Q: home organizing vs. cleaning?
A: The services that I provide involve small amounts of cleaning (i.e. dusting, wiping down mirrored/glass surfaces), however, this is not to be confused with a cleaning service.
Q: i’m not sure if i need these services… my cluttered spaces bother others, but i’m ok with it. should i change?
A: This is all about the client! If your concern is to please others, most likely the change in behavior will not be long-term. I want to offer a plan of attack so that together, we can begin to break those habits.
Likewise, if you would like services for a spouse or another family member, that person MUST be the one to reach out and request the services.
Q: by requesting an organizer’s services, does that mean i have to get rid of things that are important to me?
A: The goal here is not to “get rid” of things. More importantly, I want you to have access to things that are used on a daily basis and find a way to store things that are not. Efficiency and accessibility are the keys to organizing. Nothing has to go at all if that’s ultimately what the client wants!
q: how long does a project usually take?
A: This depends on a few factors:
size of the room
weight of items that may need to be moved (i.e. furniture, heavy boxes, etc.)
cooperation of client
*These factors also determine pricing.